Keynote Speech by Grigory Yavlinsky,
of the Public Political Organization “Yabloko” at the 6th Yabloko Congress
at the Otrandoye Resort outside Moscow
March 14, 1998
We define the present-day socioeconomic order as a corporative,
oligarchic structure that is still based on Soviet monopolies.“Corporative”
means that the government represents above all the interests of narrow
corporations, and not the majority of Russia’s citizens. This system is
being reproduced on the regional level, and there, depending on the region
and its potentials, is building up its own narrowly corporative groups
who not only aspire to, but in fact are exercising, political and consequently
economic power. |
Articles and Interviews |
Grigory Yavlinsky, Russia’s Fork
in the Road
Russia today stands at a fork in its road. The vital question
is: which turn will Russia take given that communism is no longer an option
- that issue was irreversibly decided in the 1996 election. Russia either
stays on its current path to become a corporatist, criminalist,
oligarchic, old Latin American-style democracy and society;
or alternatively, Russia will take the fork in the road and turn
up the more difficult, painful road toward a normal Western
style democracy and market economy. |
Grigory Yavlinsky, Russia's Phony
In sum, Russian democracy still has a long way to go.
True, elections are held, freedoms are respected, parties exist, and the
media express divergent views, but such minimum democratic institutions
exist in both Latin American and Western democracies. Russia is better
off with its imperfect institutions than without them, but they do not
yet properly reflect the people's needs and will. |
Open letter to the President of Russia from Grigoriy Yavlinskiy on
behalf of the Yabloko public association:
"Yabloko Has Reminded the Guarantor That He Is the Guarantor"
Obshchaya Gazeta, No. 25, 1 July 1998
At the end of last week the Yabloko faction adopted an
open letter to Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin. We thought that it would find
its way into the newspapers. Unfortunately, this did not happen. The text
was not published, only accounts spiced in this form or the other by journalists'
commentaries appeared. I request that Obshchaya Gazeta publish, if possible,
the full text so that the President have an opportunity to familiarize
himself with it. We are interested in this case in B.N. Yeltsin's response
to the appeal to him, not journalists' commentaries. |
No recovery until Yeltsin gone-Yavlinsky.
Interview By Adam Tanner.
Moscow, Sept 6 1998 (Reuters)
``In Russia only an idiot would make predictions,'' he
said. ``I've been in politics for 10 years, which is the entire time that
politics have existed in Russia. It's exactly because I've been in politics
for 10 years that I can say my partners' positions change very often.'' |
Yavlinskiy Interviewed on Russian
Radiostantsiya Ekho Moskvy 8 September 1998
We have a totally authoritarian constitution at the moment
-- in other words, a constitution under which all rights and all powers
are concentrated in the President. If he does not focus on certain
issues, they remain completely unaddressed. This decision to put
Chernomyrdin forward, it was obvious that this was incorrect because he
would not be approved. Without getting into what this was all thought
up for, once it became clear that it would not work, he needed quickly
to take other decisions that would not stop him being President, but in
the current situation he has simply paralysed the entire political and
economic process. That is a real problem. |
Yavlinskiy--Russia 'Needs a Different
Radiostantsiya Ekho Moskvy 19 October 1998 in
Russian 1505 GMT
I believe Russia needs a different president. A
different president, not Yeltsin, should be elected in a general election.
As for the possibility of President Yeltsin leaving his post early, it
is not up to me to make a decision. This issue should be decided
either by the President himself -- and we have heard his reply to this
question many times -- or by the citizens, the people of the Russian Federation. |
Moscow's new cabinet 'hit by corruption'
By Marcus Warren.
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky
The Daily Telegraph, Issue 1251, Wednesday 28 October
"We support Mr Primakov because he is a solution to Russia's
political crisis. But we are not going to keep silent about what is going
on inside the cabinet. Corruption can determine who gets what position.
My people inside the government tell me you can buy offices for money." |
A Russian Feeler, By
William Safire
The New-York Times, February 1, 1999
...Yavlinsky comes at it creatively: "America has a right
to missile defense against terrorism, as does Europe, of which Russia is
a part." He proposes a non-strategic missile defense in cooperation with
NATO, capable of shooting down fewer than 100 missiles, thereby providing
an umbrella against terrorist attack without destabilizing the Russian-American
standoff. That would finesse the impasse and ease ratification of Start
II's reductions... |